Shred the Veil

Shred the Veil

Shred the veil

As I prepare to start making vlog style content, I’ve watched a lot of different people on YouTube.

My favorite right now is Lough. He is amazing at making you feel like you’re in the room with him and his friends.

The most engaging long-form videos all have the same thing in common…zero veil.

Think of the veil as the filter between authentic you and published you.

The thinner the veil, the more authentically yourself you’re being in the content you publish.

The ideal scenario is to shred the veil completely.

This means what you put into the world is an exact representation of who you actually are.

As an example, this is why people like Emma Chamberlain, Sam Sulek, and Life of Riza all blew up on YouTube. They were able to shred the veil much more quickly than most.

In this state, you’re just flowing, almost in a stream of consciousness. Your content or art becomes an extension of you.

This is the optimal state for a few reasons:

  • You don’t have to “act” when making new things. You can just exist and be

  • You don’t have to play a fake character forever (which can be exhausting over the long-term)

  • People can tell when you’re not being authentic. Authenticity drives trust, so a thick veil will lead to less trust and slower growth

If you know me, you know that I have a fairly introverted base state.

My default is pretty quiet and reserved. I like listening and thinking more than talking.

The challenge for me is to figure out how to make the vlog content compelling without adding an “energy boosted veil” on top of my normal daily persona.

Will be a fun challenge.

I’ll do my best to cut short-teasers of the vlogs and share them on IG/Tiktok, but if you want the full experience, make sure to subscribe on YouTube.

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Shred the Veil

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